woensdag 14 oktober 2015

St Teresa of Avila - Prayer and pride

De H. Teresia: Petrus en Paulus waren mijn eigen beschermers
I know a very old nun of most exemplary life in every way – would to God my life were like hers! – very holy, very austere, and a perfect religious, who has spent many hours for several years in vocal prayers, but cannot make use of mental prayer: the utmost she can do is to pause a little, from time to time (during her Ave Marias and Paternosters). Many people resemble her.
If they are humble, I do not think they are more imperfect or believe they will be any the worse for it in the end but quite as well off as those who enjoy many consolations.
In one way such souls are safer, for we cannot tell whether spiritual delights come from God or from the devil: if they are not divine they are very dangerous, for Satan tries to excite pride by their means:  however, if they are sent by God there is nothing to fear for they bring humility with them.

(The Way of Perfection, 17:3)